Modern commentary on the book of acts chapter 10

He appears and disappears in the same bible chapter, acts 10. David guzik commentary on acts 10, where god speaks to peter in a vision of a great sheet about the conversion of gentiles. Acts chapter 10 commentary northwest college of the bible. Largely gentile, it was a center of roman administration and the location of many of herod the greats building projects josephus, ant.

With a simple act and firm words, peter removes from corneliuss mind and heart the difference between jew and gentile. Then saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the lord, went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogues of damascus, so that if he found any who were of the way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to jerusalem. While the old testament relates the story of israel as gods. Acts free bible commentary on the book of acts in easy english. Acts 10 commentary commentary critical and explanatory on. Acts free bible commentary on the book of acts in easy. Acts 10 commentary commentary critical and explanatory. Commentary on the book of acts of the apostles by matthew. Mar, 20 study of the book of acts chapter 11 duration. The responsibilities of centurions were broadly similar to modern. Acts 10 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this. This gentile soldiers marvelous moral character, and his noble influence, even. An angel appears to cornelius, a centurion, and directs him to send to joppa, for peter, to instruct him in the way of salvation, 16.

Originally published 6272011 last updated 220 for permissions to reprint, see below. Faith has reference to a testimony, and the christian faith is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, on the testimony given by them. They killed him by hanging him on a cross, 40but god raised him from the dead on the third day and caused him to be seen. Are genuine seekers after god saved, if they have responded to the light they have but have never heard the gospel. Caesarea was a predominately roman city on the shores of the mediterranean in judea. The context for this story begins with gods call of abram, when god promised, all of the families of the earth will be blessed in you genesis 12.

Our story starts off where the gospel of luke left offjesus is back now that hes resurrected, jesus decides to hang out and chat with his disciples whom luke calls apostles for forty days. In the great providence of god, the gospel was to the elect of god. Summary of acts chapter 10 and the salvation of cornelius. The episode concerning cornelius is obviously very important since there are three. Lukes devoting so much space to the narrative of a single conversion indicates the importance of it. A free bible version and commentary on the book of acts in easyenglish. The good doctor luke has described the beginning of the church, the kingdom, in. We all know that initially, the gospel message was for israel. Acts 10 niv cornelius calls for peter bible gateway. The good doctor luke has described the beginning of the church, the kingdom, in jerusalem where peter first used his keys. Acts 10 indepth versebyverse bible study and commentary of acts chapter 10. Holy spirit falls acts 10 bible study questions handout acts 10. Acts 10 commentary peters witness to cornelius biblegateway.

He distinctly saw an angel of god, who came to him and said, cornelius. Acts 10, new english translation net the bible app. However, in the early chapters of acts, membership in the church. This would indicate it was matthew, mark, luke, or john. By its opening words the acts of the apostles is linked in the clearest way with the gospel of luke. It is obvious that it might in part be the natural consequence of the protracted fast, and the intense prayer, possibly also of exposure under such conditions to the noontide sun. After the preliminary noted in the next few verses acts 10. But it is more likely that theophilus was a real person. There was a certain man in caesarea called cornelius, a centurion of what was called the italian regiment, a devout man and one who feared god with all his household, who gave alms generously to the people, and prayed to god always. Acts 10 new international version niv cornelius calls for peter. It shows the cultural context that the faith of the father was always the faith of the household and even of the extended family which would include servants. Because our minds are wholly, as it were, set upon the earth, to the end peter might the better comprehend the oracle, it was meet that his mind should be, as it were, moved from his place and carried up.

Acts of the apostles chapter ten objectives in studying this chapter 1 to study the conversion of cornelius and his household, the first gentiles to obey the gospel 2 to note the need for religious and devout people to be saved, despite their good works 3 to ascertain the purpose of the holy spirit falling upon the gentiles, based on the. Verse 1 luke referred to his gospel here as my first book. Bock provides a substantive yet highly accessible commentary on acts in this latest addition to the acclaimed becnt series. Acts 10 commentary james burton coffman commentaries on. There is a passage in acts 10 that illustrates this point. Perhaps luke was using it to mean any christian reader. One of the amazing things about the bible is how much truth can be stored in such small places. They did not have the modern knowledge that we possess about the health risks of smoking. Peter did not say, thank you for recognizing my high spiritual office, and offer him his ring to kiss.

Acts is a fastmoving historical account of the first three decades of the church. He also spoke to them about things pertaining to the king dom of god. Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible, who published his works in 1706, sixvolume exposition of the old and new testaments 17081710 or complete commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the bible, covering the whole of the old testament, and the gospels and acts in the new testament. Acts 10 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. Modern missionaries have told stories of similar seekers after god. From babylon to america, the prophecy movie by school for prophets. Concise presentation notes by charles dailey black underlined words match words in the bible text. He departs from a careful analysis of apostles experiences in jerusalem.

Acts 10 at caesarea there was a man named cornelius, a. This versebyverse bible study and commentary of the acts of the apostles the book of acts or simply acts is indepth but uses plain language that everyone can understand, as well as a format that will engage you. Acts 10 chapter 10 of the book of acts is a pivotal point in the great commission. Acts 10 is among the most misunderstood chapters in the entire nt, primarily due to a misunderstanding over the hebraic connotations of the greek words koinos and akathartos common and unclean. If you read most any modern commentary, theyll usually answer in the affirmative. The introductions are similar in other ways as well. Top 5 commentaries on the book of acts ligonier ministries. Rather, he pulled cornelius to his feet and said, stand up. The commentary section includes running commentary on the bible text with reference to several modern versions, especially the new international version and the new revised standard. This is a major step in acts, requiring the full length of acts 10 to bring it to fruition and two repetitions of the story 11.

Commentary on the book of acts bible study lessons. Peter commands them to be baptized in the name of the lord, acts 10. Read all of acts 10 the undiminished power of peter, his apostolic authority, in the midst of which the entrance of cornelius into the spiritual house of god takes place, in connection with peters ministry, and that, after the calling of saul, which opened a new perspectiveall these facts taken together confirmed that which went before. Study of acts discussion notes chapter 9 introduction in chapter 9 of acts, luke begins to give a broader view of what is taking place in the new testament church. And then in the first half of acts 10, cornelius and peter both saw visions given by god. A hebraic perspective on peters vision acts 10 messianic. And peter preaches unto him jesus, as the savior of the world, and the judge of quick and dead, acts 10. Acts 10, new international version niv the bible app. Adam clarkes bible commentary acts 10 acts 9 acts 11 help fb twitter gr videos gr forums gr youtube.

Acts baker exegetical commentary on the new testament. The same theophilus is addressed, and in the first chapter the story is resumed just at the point where the gospel left off, save that a few extra details are given of the lords words after his resurrection, and the account of his ascension is repeated in a somewhat different setting. With extensive research and thoughtful chapterbychapter exegesis, bock leads readers through all aspects of the book of actssociological, historical, and theological. Acts is the second book in the history that luke wrote. The first thing he encountered in caesarea was this gentile centurion falling at his feet in worship. Nov 17, 2018 messianic hebrew roots study of the book of acts. It is a turn very new and remarkable which the story of this chapter gives to the acts of the apostles. The experience of cornelius begins to answer this question. And they said, cornelius the centurion, a just man, and one that feareth god, and of good report among all the nation of the jews, was warned from god by an holy. Acts chapter 10 coffmans commentary of the new testament.

This chapter is concerned exclusively with the conversion of cornelius, the same event also being under consideration in acts 11. Peter then declares christs resurrection from the dead, and the proofs of it. Here is a bible study with commentary and a summary of acts chapter three. An understandable version of acts translation by william e. You can find the best commentary on acts for you using the tools on the right side. While he speaks the holy ghost descends on cornelius and his company. This commentary may be downloaded for any usage except sales.

This study focuses on the original hebraic context of those words, offering an interpretation that is more in harmony with the bible as a whole. Apparently the angel spoke on the behalf of the holy spirit or the two are identified like an ot theophony cf. Commentaries for acts chapter 10 corneliuss vision. This is not to imply that the outreach to the gentiles was an afterthought. It is obvious that it might in part be the natural consequence of the protracted fast, and the intense prayer, possibly also of exposure under such conditions. But the fact is, many godly men of past generations smoked. Verses 18 hitherto none had been baptized into the christian church but jews, samaritans, and those converts who had been circumcised and observed the ceremonial law.

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